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Pfizer Limited has a state-of-the-art local market supply facility in Goa that manufactures over 4 billion oral contraceptives, steroid tablets and general tablets annually. (That’s 10 million tablets every single day, or more than 7500 tablets every minute!)

All manufacturing operations are carried out in full compliance with local laws and in line with stringent Global Pfizer Quality and environment, health and safety (EHS) standards.

About Pfizer LTD

Pfizer Limited was listed on the Bombay stock exchange in 1966. Today, the company has over one lakh shareholders in India. With annual sales of over Rs. 2,000 crores, it is the fourth largest multinational pharmaceutical company in India.

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An award-winning facility that manufactures small molecule drugs and local solidsYear of establishment
​​​​​​​No. of colleagues
Capacity​​​​​​​​​​​​​4 billion tablets annually​​​​​​​

Major products manufactured​​​​​Wysolone, Folvite, Feldene, Ovral, MucaineMarkets supplied​​​​​​​​​​​​India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal
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